Gastronomic days

Jornadas Gastronómicas

Menu Març Gastronòmic: Arrollado of angler with Pota Blava, mango and sage
First: Raviolis of Carxofa Prat, squash and cream of Iberian
Segon: Arrollado Of angler with Pota Blava, mango and sage
Them desserts: it Killed with honey of romero, compote of pear and powder of walnuts

menu gastronómico

Nom plat Leading of the menu: 

Arrollado Of angler with Pota Blava, mango and sage

Menu Març Gastronòmic:

First: Raviolis of Carxofa Prat, squash and cream of Iberian
Segon: Arrollado Of angler with Pota Blava, mango and sage
Them desserts: it Killed with honey of romero, compote of pear and powder of walnuts

Horaris In that s'ofereix the menu of the Març Gastronòmic:

Of dilluns to divendres: 13.00 h. To 16.00 h. • Divendres i dissabtes nit: Of 21 h. To 23.30 h. • Dissabtes i diumenges: Of 13.30 h. To 16.00 h.

Preu (iva Inc.): €25

Dades restaurant

·Adreça: Castella, 33
·Telèfon: 93 370 14 03

Xarxes socials:

* Facebook: rustic & dolmar
* Twitter: rusticdolmar

It conceals:


Supreme of angler, Pota Blava came rancid, herbs provenzales, groove of orange, his juice, salt, pepper, onion, carrot, leek, mango, raw egg, born liquid, grated bread,


Have of the supreme of angler of a weight aprox.1,5 kl. Freeze it and do throw of 3 mm the widest and long possible, elaborate on them a paper film forming a square of 30x30 cm and reserve.

Marinar The Pota Blava during 24h. With rancid wine, herbs provenzales, groove of orange, his juice, salt and pepper, passed this time put it to cook with onion, carrot and leek all cut in brunoise and bake during 1h 30min, when it was tender to take, pit it and the carcasas and the broth will reserve it to do the sauce.

To do the filler: Peel the mango and cut it in pieces of 1 cm aprox. Saltearlo With onion very fine, add the Pota Blava pitted, a raw egg, 10 cl of born clears, grated bread, rectify of salt and pepper. 

Setting of the arrollado: On the cloth of angler extend the mass of Pota Blava with 1cm aprox. Of thickness and will begin to coil on himself same; we will leave it inside the paper film with the end that it maintain the form and can enter it in the oven. Cook to 180ºc during 15 minutes.

Sauce: With all what has remained of the cooked include the carcasas, add the leaves of sage and bake until it reduce, afterwards go through the strainer and if necessary tie, rectify of salt.

Final setting:

We take of the paper film with care the arrollado and cut it to our taste; it salseamos in a side so that it can appreciate how has remained the interior. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat