Menu of the day

Menu of the Day · Restaurant Rústic & Co

FESTIVE menu  27/04/2024
Rice caldoso of the mar
Artichokes salteadas with fruits of the mar
Canelones of flesh and vegetables to the graten
Stick tartar With avocado and bouquet of lettuces
Tail of bull with claves of boniato and artichokes of the Prat
Iberian fan with sauce of celery-turnip
Entrecot Argentinian with sauce of mushrooms
Supreme of salmon , tallarines fresh and sauce of orange
Filete Of pargo with Dutch sauce
Octopus to feira (supl. €7)
Chuletón Beef matured (supl.From 14€according to weight)
Ricota With kumquat confitados, walnuts and honey
Cake of chocolate with cream of pastelera
Strawberries with cream of tiramisú
Duet of sherbets Mandarin and lemon
€26 no included drink - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat