Menu of the day

Menu of the Day · Restaurant Rústic & Co

FESTIVE menu  27/7/2024
Rice caldoso
Rice caldoso with bogavante (supl. €8)
Cazuelita Of the sea to the ajillo
Tartar Of salmon ahumado with mango and avocado
Salad of tomato mozzarella with pesto
Civet Of wild boar with mushrooms of season and vegetables
Iberian fan with sauce of mustard and honey
Medallions of solomillo cone sauce to the 5 peppers
Supreme of salmon with sauce of orange
Cod with green sauce
Octopus to feira
Chuletón Beef matured (supl.From 14€according to weight)
I kill with honey and walnuts
Cake of cheese with fruits of the forest
Mix Of fruit
Duet of sherbets Mandarin and lemon
€26 no included drink - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat