Vegetarian menu

Menú vegetariano

When it eats , it summons the memory of the palate and in some sense is the heritage of the flavours.
 The light, the music, the decoration, are the source of inspiration so that our cookery, a modern and current cookery, us delight with sinuosos and sabrosos dishes, and like this achieve that every night it turn a watched to remember.

Vegetarian menu

Menu Vegetarian tasting
Appetizer of entrance….
- Bread of crystal with brie, walnuts and tomato concasse
- Cream of Squash and celeri
- Trigueros salteados With romesco
- Salad baby of inhabit and palmitos
- Mini Melted of cheeses with pesto

Second dishes to (choose previously)
- Tortilla Of vegetables of the agricultural park
- Heura salteada With  wok of vegetables to the soya and sesame
- Rice meloso of vegetables and crispis of vegan flesh
- Burger beyond With claves of natural potatoes
- Big Bomb of vegan flesh with sauce brava
Dessert to (choose previously)
- Mosaic of fruits with coulis of raspberry
- Tulipa Of Sherbet of Mango
- Couland With ice cream of vanilla
Drink i coffee included.
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